Are you a returning motorcycle rider? If so, welcome back to the open road!

Although you have previously ridden a motorcycle, it has probably been a while since you last rode one. We understand you want to brush up on your bike riding skills before hitting the road so you can handle your model more confidently. Don’t worry if you need help to begin—we are here. Our experts at Biggs Harley-Davidson® have gathered a few tips for returning motorcycle riders, so keep reading to learn more.

Buy a Smaller Motorcycle

Smaller motorcycles are easier to maneuver. As a returning rider, you will benefit from riding a smaller bike than the one you previously rode. Once you are more confident in your riding skills, you can upgrade to a larger one.

Take a Course

Next, you want to take a motorcycle refresher course or a training program before hitting the road. These are conveniently available, which you can use to improve your riding skills and learn more about potential on-road situations. If your driver’s license has expired, be sure to update it.

Take Your Time

Finally, take your time when returning to riding a motorcycle again. Ideally, go slow and enjoy being on the road with your bike.

You want to practice taking a corner and learn to handle your bike again. This will ensure your safety and the safety of other motorists around you.

We hope these tips help make your restart safe, fun, and memorable. If you need more advice or want to upgrade your bike to the latest model before hitting the road, visit Biggs Harley-Davidson®. We have an impressive collection of motorcycles for sale, and we can help you select a model that suits your budget and riding style. We proudly serve San Marcos, San Diego, and Oceanside, CA, so stop by today.