Safety Tips for Motorcycle Riding with Children

Dec. 28 2020 How To By Biggs Harley-Davidson®

Motorcycles and children may seem like a tricky combination. But if you have both, chances are your kids are begging to come along for the ride. If you find their pleas hard to resist, we have good news for the whole family: motorcycle riding with children can be done safely, so long as you take the proper precautions.

Here at Biggs Harley-Davidson, we love to share the joy of motorcycle riding with people of all ages. That’s why we’ve put together the following safety guide for parents looking to give their kids a turn in the passenger seat. For more expert advice, feel free to ask the staff at our dealership in San Marcos, CA.

Know The Risks… And The Rewards

Motorcycle riding with children is controversial, and there are certainly dangers involved. But riding is risky for anyone, adults included, and sharing the ride can be a great opportunity to teach kids about safety and responsibility. Junior riders have to start somewhere, and parents who model safe and responsible riding are starting them off on the right foot.

Sharing the ride with your kids also demonstrates your trust in them, boosting their self-confidence and giving them a sense of empowerment. Let’s also not forget that riding together can be a powerful bonding experience, and just plain fun!

Know Your Child… And Yourself

Be honest with yourself, and with your children, about whether or not they are ready to ride. Kids riding in the passenger seat must be tall enough to reach the footpegs, and strong enough to hold on tight. But more importantly, they need to be mature enough to follow instructions and take safety seriously. Riding in the sidecar is a good option for younger children wanting a taste of the motorcycle experience.

A frightened child should never be pressured to ride on a motorcycle. However, too much confidence can also be cause for concern. Kids aren’t always good at risk assessment, but your child should exhibit a respectful attitude and be willing to take every necessary precaution.

That’s your kid, but how about you? Are you prepared for the responsibility of operating a motorcycle with children on board? New riders need plenty of practice flying solo before taking on any passengers, and only highly skilled and experienced riders should consider taking on children. Make sure you’re fully confident in your own abilities before you proceed.

Know Your Local Laws

Take the time to familiarize yourself with all the relevant local rules and regulations before taking your child for a ride. Here in California, there are no specific age restrictions when it comes to motorcycle passengers. The California Motorcycle Handbook does dictate that your motorcycle needs to be equipped with footpegs when traveling with a child on board, and that your child’s feet must be able to reach the footpegs. The child must also sit in a secured seat behind the driver. And, needless to say, they must be wearing a helmet.

Get Kid-Friendly Riding Gear

Child passengers need to wear all the same protective gear worn by adult riders. It can be challenging to find good quality riding gear in child sizes, but this is no time to skimp on safety. First and foremost, provide your child with a full-coverage helmet that fits them well. You will also need to dress them in leather or heavyweight denim, making sure to cover their arms and legs completely. Give them a decent pair of riding gloves and sturdy boots that cover the ankle.

Then there’s the matter of the passenger seat. There are many different aftermarket options for secured seating, and these are best paired with a safety harness. You can also equip your bike with adjustable footpegs to accommodate smaller kids. You may need to experiment with a variety of products before finding one that feels comfortable for you and your child, so be prepared for a process of trial and error.

Ride Responsibly

Before your first ride, give your child a thorough briefing on motorcycle safety, taking care to explain things in a way they can understand. Tell your child they must stay calm and still and hold onto you at all times. They should also be instructed to keep their feet on the footpegs and keep their legs away from the muffler.

Introduce your child gently to the riding experience. Start with a short ride down the block, or around an empty parking lot. Check in with your child to see how they’re handling the ride, and work your way up slowly to higher speeds and greater distances.

Hopefully it goes without saying, but just in case: follow all the best practices for safe riding, and save any daredevil moves for when you’re flying solo. A smooth and uneventful ride contains plenty of thrills for a child passenger!

Looking to give your motorcycle some safety upgrades before bringing your kids on board? Head to Biggs Harley-Davidson, your trusted Harley-Davidson® dealer in San Marcos, CA. We welcome customers from San Diego, Oceanside, and throughout Southern California.